I really like this app. BrainHack is amazing. But there are a few things that need done. As you can see there are numerous binaural beats apps out there these days. They offer way more then Brain Hack does. I have owned the brain hack app for a number of months, but while it remains mostly the same, other apps are improving their product, providing more mindsets then the ones offered by Brain Hack. You have a lot of competition out there now, I recommend working on your product, to allow it to compete with other products of this nature on the app store. Pros to brain hack are that it is very simple to use, compared to other apps that have a lot more to work with before it actually works, Brain Hack is get up and go with its product. Cons are that it does not fade out, and that it is not worked on as much for what it provides. Other then that, Brain Hack is great. thanks for your time!
jakedre1105 about BrainHack 2.0